A mortgage payment holiday is a break from paying your mortgage for an agreed period of time. At the end of the payment holiday, the interest that was due during the holiday will have continued to be charged and will need to be repaid. This may be done by adding the accrued interest onto the mortgage balance at the end of the payment holiday. Alternatively, we can discuss options to repay the missed payments over a shorter period of time or consider extending the term of your mortgage by the period of your payment holiday which may help with affordability.
A payment holiday will normally only be automatically granted on a loan where the mortgage product provides such a facility and is subject to the terms and conditions of the product.
If you request a payment holiday but are not eligible based on your mortgage product, a mortgage payment holiday may still be a suitable solution where your circumstances evidence that the break from payment is required for a temporary period only.
We will need an Income and Expenditure form to be completed to understand the temporary gap in affordability and we will need to consider how long this option is likely to be needed for.
You may wish to seek independent advice from a free debt advice agency as they can help with budgeting and to assess whether there are any benefits that you may be entitled to. Sufficient time will be provided to enable you to make and attend an appointment.
If it becomes evident that the reduction in your income is long-term, then you will be referred to one of our Qualified Mortgage Advisers or to a free debt advice agency to seek a long-term solution.
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