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We are unable to assess an application without sufficient supporting documentation


Please ensure that all mandatory documentation is provided on submission.

Applications will not be assessed until we have received all of the mandatory documents listed below.

Packaging requirements information

  • Mandatory Documentation

    Required for ALL Applications
    • Fully completed application form.
    • Three years address history for all applicants.
    • Interest only repayment vehicle (specific details of asset to be used for repayment) - click here.
    • Evidence of income*.
    All Buy to Let Applications

    Anticipated/actual rental income of the subject property.

    Portfolio Landlord Buy to Let Applications

    Portfolio Landlords - Property Schedule

    Portfolio Landlords - Business Plan

    Help to Buy Applications Authority to proceed document.
    * Evidence of Income Employed applicants:
    Last three months wage slips and latest P60/March payslip.

    Self employed applicants:
    Last two years HMRC Tax Calculations and Tax Year Overviews or last two years audited accounts.

    Retired Applicants:
    Latest pension statement and last 3 months bank statements evidencing pension income being received over the last 3 months.


    Whilst the following documents are not mandatory at time of application please ensure they are provided as soon as possible:

    • Intermediary panel application form (if applicable).
    • Signed direct debit mandate.

  • ID

    Electronic ID In most instances we are able to verify ID electronically and no further evidence is required.
    Where ID cannot be verified electronically

    One item from List A and one item from List B below:

    List A (proof of name)

    • Current UK Drivers Licence/Card
    • Current UK Passport
    • Benefit or Pension Book
    • Armed Forces, Police, Fire or Ambulance ID Card
    • Disability Badge, which includes a photograph (Preferably Passport to be obtained)

    List B (proof of address)

    All documents must show the applicants address and must be either an original document or certified copy.

    • Bank/Building Society Statement (savings/mortgage) or credit card statement less than three months old
    • Utility Bill (gas, electric, telephone, council tax) less than three months old
    • Latest Buildings Insurance Policy Schedule
    • Notice of Tax Coding
    • Vehicle Registration Document
    • Medical Card
    • Current UK Drivers Licence/Card (not provisional)
    • Pension/Benefit Statements

  • Income

    Employed Applicants

    Last 3 months wage slips.

    Self Employed

    Accountants certificate to be requested by the Society.

    Self Certification/non-qualified accountant - last 2 years copies of HMRC Tax Calculations and Tax Year Overviews.
    Retired Applicants

    Last 3 months pension payslips
    Latest pension statement and last 3 months bank statement evidencing receipt of pension income.

    Income from unencumbered rental properties AST and 3 months bank statements to show receipt of rent.
    Investment Income

    Accountants certificate
    last 2 years copies of HMRC Tax Calculations and Tax Overviews.

    Maintenance Copy of court order or 6 months bank statements.

  • Property

    Solar Panels (Leased) Lease documentation.

  • Deposit

    Deposit from own resources Although not required in all circumstances, proof of deposit may be requested which must show the accumulation of funds.
    Gifted Deposit Letter signed by the person making the gift, which can be downloaded from the literature section.

  • Other Properties Owned

    Buy to Lets in the background For residential applications, please provide copies of AST’s for all BTL properties owned.
    Residential applications, where the existing home is to be let out Letter from a letting agents stating anticipated rental income.

  • Interest Only Applications

    Sale of Property (Buy to Let Applications) Property title deeds/legal document of ownership.
    Sale of Property (Residential Applications) Property sales particulars for an example property in the area and of the type they anticipate downsizing to.
    Investment Plan Latest annual/bonus statement or forecast.
    Other Assets Property title deeds/legal document of ownership.
    Capital repayments No further evidence required.
    Savings Account book or bond statement.
    Pension Lump Sum Evidence of the current value, and estimated final value lump sum.

  • Fees

    Payment by cheque Please make cheques payable to Leek Building Society.
    Payment by Debit/Credit Card We will contact you to obtain details upon receipt of the application.

  • Right to Buy

    Right to Buy Landlords Offer Notice.

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